This site exists solely out of boredom. I guess I'm going on some sort of digital adventure of creation. I am not a writer but i am most definitely a talker. So i will just drool some nonsense onto this page to kill my boredom and hopefully yours too. Because i can't imagine any other reason for you to be reading this babble. Today is Thursday. I think i like Thursdays. I like most days. There is always something new to devour. Something strange to stimulate the taste buds. Since i don't have any of my own words worth chewing on, i am simply going to share words of others. Follow the below links to get a nibble of some of my favorite junk food.
“You're better equipped for this world than I am," she said. "I'm always trying to change the world. You know how to live in it.”
― Tom Robbins, Still Life with Woodpecker